Citymesh: sole candidate for the remaining 4G radio frequencies in the 2.6 GHz frequency band
› Press release
Citymesh: sole candidate for the remaining 4G radio frequencies in the 2.6 GHz frequency band
European Commission greenlights new wholesale tariffs for access to cable operators’ networks
› Press release
European Commission greenlights new wholesale tariffs for access to cable operators’ networks
BIPT outlines the consequences of the destruction of GSM masts
› Press release
Mobile operators install their masts at well-defined locations in our landscape in order to provide the Belgian population with maximum coverage and thus a maximum accessibility indoors and outdoors.
Encouraging the destruction of masts and damaging them are both punishable offences. The perpetrators are liable for damage caused to operators but also to third parties. Furthermore, the damage represents a threat to the use of mobile services by the inhabitants of that area and the passersby. As a matter of fact, the damaged connectivity could make it difficult to call emergency and essential services (doctors, hospitals, police, fire brigades, anti-poison service, suicide prevention service, domestic violence call line...). It could also jeopardise the orderly functioning of emergency services which can use the location data when a caller is in distress and is, for instance, unable to communicate his or her location.
Damaging mobile equipment is particularly irresponsible in the context of the current lockdown period, during which it is more important than ever to keep in touch with our families and loved ones, to be able to contact emergency services and to continue to participate in the economic and social life.
The share of media in mobile data
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BIPT has published a study carried out by Capgemini Invent on the estimated share of media in the volumes of data transmitted over mobile networks and the revenues arising from it for the next 20 years. Conducted at the request of Minister of Telecommunications, Mr Philippe De Backer, the purpose of this study is to objectify the distribution of revenues from new frequency bands designated for 5G between the Federal State and the Communities. The share of media in the total volume of mobile data is estimated at 4,9% or 17,8% depending on the definition used for the term “media”. Within the revenues from mobile data, the share of media is estimated at 7,9% or 28,2%.
Five operators are taken into account by BIPT for the granting of temporary rights of use for the introduction of 5G
› Press release
Five operators are taken into account by BIPT for the granting of temporary rights of use for the introduction of 5G
BIPT extends the deadline for applications for the assignment of additional 4G spectrum
› Press release
Brussels, 19 March 2020 – On 20 February 2020 BIPT launched a call for applications for the assignment of the remaining available spectrum in the 4G frequency band (2.6 GHz). Given the measures taken at the national level against the spread of the coronavirus, the deadline for applications is extended to Friday 15 May 2020, at 10 a.m.
BIPT makes additional spectrum available for 4G
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At the request of a Belgian company the BIPT makes available the spectrum that is still free of the 4G frequency band 2.6 GHz following a planned new auction.
Judgement of the Brussels Court of Appeal of 22 January 2020
› Dispute
Judgement of the Brussels Court of Appeal of 22 January 2020 declaring unfounded the appeal lodged by 3StarsNet against the BIPT Council Decision of 9 July 2019 renewing the BIPT Council Decision of 7 December 2018 on the retail market for access to the public telephone network provided at a fixed location and on the wholesale market for call origination on the public telephone network provided at a fixed location
The BIPT suggests a temporary solution allowing the introduction of 5G and ensuring the continuity of 2G and 3G rights
› Press release
In order to allow an initial roll-out of 5G in Belgium and to ensure the continuity of the service provision for current 2G and 3G licence holders, the BIPT proposes different solutions
BIPT imposes a fine on Telenet and Proximus for non-compliance with the rules on the identification of prepaid users
› Press release
In its decisions of 14 January 2020, BIPT imposed a € 150,000 fine on Proximus and a € 88,782 fine on Telenet for non-compliance with the regulation regarding the prior identification of end-users of prepaid cards