• 5G roll-out reaches 95% of Belgian households

    Publications › Press release -
    In the meantime, as a result of the phased 5G roll-out 95% of households have outdoor 5G coverage and 76% indoor coverage.
  • Communication on the household profiles for the national price benchmarking

    Publications › Communication -
    This communication presents the summary of the contributions to the consultation and the summary of the changes made to the profiles for the national price benchmarking for residential customers.
  • Strong growth of high-speed fixed Internet lines (> 1 Gbps) in 2023

    Publications › Press release -
    The annual report on electronic communications and TV market figures indicates that the fixed Internet lines with a minimum 1 Gbps download speed have increased by 59% in one year’s time.
  • The situation of the electronic communications and television market (2023)

    Publications › Communication -
    Communication of 19 June 2024 on the situation of the electronic communications and television market (2023)
  • Again strong mobile data growth and faster 5G roll-out in 2023

    Publications › Press release -
    Annual report on electronic communications and TV market: strong growth in mobile data traffic.
  • FAQ

    Where there is a continuous or regular significant difference between the actual speeds of the Internet access service and the speeds specified by the ISP in the contract.


    1. If that is the case, then the ISP should basically take actions to reach the promised level. If these actions do not solve the problem, then you are entitled to other contractual remedial measures, such as compensation for the damage and/or the dissolution of the contract.
    2. Secondly, if you do not achieve a satisfactory result with the operator, you can also contact the Office of the Ombudsman for Telecommunications, which will mediate free of charge in order to reach an amicable settlement of the dispute.
    3. In a third instance (or immediately after a prior written notice of the operator), the court can issue a binding ruling on the non-compliance with the contract.

  • FAQ

    Find out first what speed your operator promised you in your contract

    Do not assume that you will get the speeds the operators advertise in their advertisements.

    Fixed Internet service providers (ISPs) have to mention the minimum, maximum and generally available speeds in their contracts and on their websites as well. 

    A BIPT Decision defines how these values have to be interpreted concretely, taking into account the set-up of networks in Belgium:

    • the minimum speed” shall be understood as the value of the speed the access provider will never drop below, unless there is an interruption of service;
    • generally available speed” shall be understood as the value of the speed that an end-user would expect to obtain for most of the time when accessing the service (i.e. for at least 95% of the time);
    • "maximum speed" shall be understood as the value of the speed which the user may expect at certain times, in principle at least once per 24-hour period. 

    The actual speeds shall be between the minimum and maximum speeds and preferably as close as possible to the generally available speed.

  • A new step in combatting telephone fraud

    Publications › Press release -
    A Royal Decree blocking, with a few exceptions, internationals calls with a Belgian number to Belgian numbers, was published today in the Belgian Law Gazette.
  • No candidacies for the auction of the 3410-3430 MHz band after a second call

    Publications › Press release -
    During the multi-band auction of 2022, the 3410-3430 MHz band remained unsold. After a first unsuccessful call for candidates for the granting of rights of use in this frequency band, the BIPT launched another call.
  • Annual report 2023

    Publications › Annual report -
    In the 2023 annual report, the BIPT gives an overview of the past year.
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