For instance: you have your own domain name ( or you use a Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo... address.
You can always keep that e-mail address.
For instance:,
You can keep that e-mail address for 18 months. This service is free but you have to request it before the end of your subscription. During that period, you can share your new e-mail address with your contacts. Your operator must offer you one of the following options:
• Keep on using your previous e-mail address for 18 months. • Immediately close your previous e-mail address and forward the e-mails sent to the previous address to the new one for 18 months.
After this 18-month period, the operator may offer the possibility to keep these facilities, but upon your request and against payment.
All you need to know about 5G
The Regions’ general brief aiming to regulate the protection of the environment also entails the power to adopt measures to prevent and minimise the risks related to the non-ionising radiation. It is therefore the Regions that define the radiation standards (standards for maximum emission) the operators have to comply with. The mobile operators are required to comply with these radiation standards, regardless of the technology they use.
The Regions also carry out inspections in the field to verify whether the radiation standards set by them are complied with.
For more information or to request radiation measurements, we invite you to contact your regional administration in charge: