You keep the discount unless one of the following situations applies to you:

    1. you no longer meet the conditions ;
    2. you have changed your contract or tariff plan with the same operator;
    3. you have switched operators;
    4. you have moved as a consequence of which fixed Internet is no longer provided at the same address;
    5. the tariff plan for which you have a social discount is no longer sold by your operator.

  • FAQ

    Depending on the beneficiary’s situation, one or several of the following documents are necessary:

    • a copy of the most recent assesstment notice (Avertissement-extrait de rôle Impôt des personnes physiques et taxes additionnelles/Aanslagbiljet personenbelasting en aanvullende belastingen) sent on a yearly basis by the FPS Finance, for all persons over 18, domiciled at the beneficiary’s address;
    • a certificate of the payment of family allowances, obtained from the family allowances fund;
    • a certificate indicating that the beneficiary has a handicap of at least 66%; this certificate is available at the mutual insurance fund (mutualité/ziekenfonds) or at the FPS Social Security - DG Disabled persons;
    • a certificate of the household composition obtained at the municipal administration (service Population/dienst Bevolking) of the beneficiary;
    • a copy of the ruling (of the justice of peace or of the youth court) indicating that the grandchildren have been entrusted to the beneficiary by a legal decision;
    • a copy of a CPAS/OCMW certificate proving that the beneficiary receives the social integration income in accordance with the Act of May 26, 2002;
    • a certificate and an audiogram of from the otorhinolaryngologist ear, nose and throat specialist proving a minimal hearing loss of 70 dB for the best ear;
    • a certificate of from the ear, nose and throat specialist otorhinolaryngologist proving that the beneficiary has undergone a laryngectomy;
    • a certificate of from the DG Victims of war of the FPS Social Security proving that the beneficiary is a military war blinded.

  • FAQ

    The discounts are laid down in Article 38 of the Annex 1of the Act of 13 June 2005 on electronic communications.

    Several hypotheses are summarised in the table below:

    Categories of beneficiaries Single discount for the installation Monthly discounts
      Fixed telephone connection Subscription fee Communications (fixed, bundle of the subscription fee operator) Total amount of discounts (max. per month)
    + 65 years, disabled, hearing-impaired persons, laryngectomee, military war blinded 50% of the standard price Fixed, Internet or bundle 40% (max. € 8.4) € 3.1* € 11.5
    Ssocial integration income receivers  / Internet : 40 %
    (max. € 8.4)
    € 3.1

    € 11.5 (if Internet)

    or € 3.1

    * NB: if you pay the subscription fee and the communications to two different operators, only the operator providing the communications grants a maximum discount of € 11.5 on the calls.

  • Operational plan 2024

    Publications › Operational plan -
    The annual operational plan translates the strategic goals from the strategic plan into operational goals by means of cards interpreting the strategic goal per strategic axis.
  • FAQ

    Send an e-mail to examen@bipt.be with your last name, first name, postal details (address), your phone number, a copy of both sides of your ID card and a passport-sized photograph (with a white background).

    For the year 2024, the registration fee is €37.59 and is non-refundable.

    In case of an annulment more than one week before the exam or upon presentation of a medical certificate, the registration fee can be moved once to another date.

    For the SRC exam, you must also enclose an SRC training certificate issued by an approved training centre. Attention, it is only valid for one year. After that, the certificate will not be accepted.

    Our department will contact you to propose examination dates. Once your application is registered, you will receive a conformation e-mail mentioning the payment information as well as other information.

    Registration is possible up to two weeks before the examination date, as long as places are available.

  • Consultation on the draft of the operational plan 2024

    Publications › Consultation -
    Consultation on the draft of the operational plan 2024
  • FAQ

    What is Easy Switch?

    Easy Switch facilitates the switching of operators if you have at least one Internet access service or one television service.

    It relieves you from most of the administrative steps in case of a switch. Your new operator takes care of the cancellation of the old contract as soon as his services have been installed at your place.

    The procedure always applies for consumers but companies or non-profit organisations can also appeal to it when, at their previous operator, they: 

    • have subscribed to a tariff plan destined for consumers, or
    • use a standard tariff plan for businesses. This is a “take it or leave it” type of tariff plan: the rates and other parameters are non-negotiable. Generally these tariff plans were or are published on the operator’s website. Here you will find an indicative list of this type of tariff plans per operator.  

    What does Easy Switch?

    • Easy switch facilitates the switching of fixed operators. It is a standard procedure, unless you choose not to use it. In that case, you must terminate your contract by yourself with your previous operator.
    • If you use the Easy Switch procedure, you mandate your new operator to take care of the transfer in your stead, and thus to terminate the previous contract.
    • You only have to mention whether you want to transfer your number (including your mobile number if it is offered with the fixed services) or cancel it. In the absence of indications, the number shall remain with your previous operator (but your contract and/or the price may change).
      Certain operators do not allow you to keep a number without Internet access. If you do not indicate what you want concerning your number, you might lose it.
      So, gather all the necessary information!

    Why use Easy Switch?

    • Easy Switch limits the duration of service interruption: the new operator contacts the operator you are leaving as soon as it is ready to provide you with the requested services. It takes care of the termination of the services and of the contract with the operator you are leaving.
    • Easy Switch limits the risks of a double billing. The operator you are leaving must stop charging you for its services no later than by the end of the day following the day it was informed of the transfer.

    What should I take into account before taking my decision?

    • As a consumer, a company or a non-profit organisation with no more than 9 employees: check whether a fixed-term contract is still active at your previous operator. If you took out your contract less than 6 months ago, your operator may charge you a termination fee. This fee is limited to the subscription fee you would have paid until the 6th month of the contract.
    • Companies or non-profit organisations with an average of 10 employees or more during the recent financial year cannot enjoy this limit. Check in the contract whether, and to what degree, cancellation fees are due in case of a cancellation prior to the expiration of the fixed term!
    • Check if the operator sold you a device at a reduced price with the subscription. In that case, the operator can charge you the residual value of the device. This value must be indicated in a repayment table in the contract (or an annex).. Each month, the same amount must be deducted from the residual value of the device. After 24 months, an operator can never charge you an indemnity for the device.

    What do I have to communicate to my new operator?

    • The customer number your previous operator gave you,
    • The Easy Switch ID with your previous operator:
      You will find that code (a series of numbers and/or letters):
      - online, in your customer page or in the operator app;
      - in your invoice;
      - in the welcome letter or e-mail of your new operator since 1 July 2017.
    • If you wish to keep for 18 months your e-mail address with the name of the provider you are leaving.
      Certain operators allow you to keep the e-mail address without you having to request it. It is therefore recommended to contact your operator for more information.
    • The fixed and mobile number(s) you wish to transfer or cancel with your previous operator.
    • Possibly the period during which you wish the services to remain active with the operator you are leaving, while the services of your new operator have already been activated.
      This can be useful for instance when you move into a new home and change to a new operator.

    What rights do I have when changing to another fixed operator?

    A fixed date on which the new service is activated

    You have the right to agree with the operator on an exact date to activate his services. 

    As soon as the operator knows he will not be able to meet that deadline, he must notify you and agree on a new fixed date with you. 

    If this does not happen, you are entitled to a compensation of 6 euros per day of delay for the installation (the fixed date on which the installation eventually did not take place, is included in the number of days of delay). You need to apply for this compensation with your new operator. 

    Appointment in a half-day time slot

    If the visit of a technician is required, you have the right to make an appointment within time slots of maximum half a day. That way, you do not have to take a whole day off.
    If the technician did not show up at the agreed time, you are entitledto a fee of € 30 per missed appointment. Your new operator has to pay you this fee automatically if the attendance at the agreed time has not been proven by a technician's report.

    A switch without an interruption of service of more than one working day

    The Easy Switch rules instruct the operators to first activate the new services and then deactivate the old services. 
    But sometimes that is technically not possible. For example, when the switch takes place on the same network. In that case, operators have to ensure a proper coordination and minimum disruption of service. 

    If the interruption of service takes longer than one working day (excluding the day of the interruption of service itself), the new operator will automatically have to pay you a compensation of 10 euros per calendar day that the service remains interrupted.

    For example: the old service was interrupted on Thursday; the new service was activated the following Tuesday. You are automatically entitled to a compensation of 30 euros by your new operator. This must be paid upon the first invoice following the migration or via a credit note issued on the occasion of this first invoice.

    What are the other steps if I have requested an Easy Switch?

    • If you have a modem or a decoder from your previous operator, you will probably have to return it.
    • The new operator or his technician cannot return this to the previous operator in your place.

    In which cases is Easy Switch not applicable?

    • If your company or non-profit organisation has a tariff plan that was ‘tailored’ to your company or non-profit organisation; usually such a tariff plan is not listed on the operator's website and the contract was concluded following a request for a quotation. 
    • If you wish to switch operators only for television, but not for the Internet or vice versa (partial migration).
      You must then terminate by yourself the service(s) of the operator you are leaving that you have selected for transfer.
    • If you move and remain with the same operator, the Easy Switch procedure does not apply either.

    When is the Easy Switch procedure only partially applicable?

    If you have taken out services with multiple operators.
    You can only request the Easy Switch procedure for the transfer from an operator you are leaving to the new operator. You must terminate the other services by yourself.

  • Consultation on the allocation of the 40.660 MHz- 40.690 MHz spectrum to private radio stations for individual training, technical exchange of messages and studies, used by radio amateurs

    Publications › Consultation -
    Allocation of the 40.660 MHz- 40.690 MHz spectrum to private radio stations for individual training, technical exchange of messages and studies, used by radio amateurs
  • Annual report 2022

    Publications › Annual report -
    In the 2022 annual report, the BIPT gives an overview of the past year.
  • FAQ

    An application form is available. The aeronautical certificate is offered with charge: €7,49 to pay on the account of BIPT: IBAN BE68 6791 7078 1634 (BIC : PCHQBEBB).

    Do not forget to sign your form!

    You must enclose:

    • the original copy of the certificate of achievement of the exam, issued by the FPS Mobility and Transport or by the competence centre of the aviation unit;
    • the copy of the proof of the payment of €7,49;
    • a recent passport photograph;
    • a copy of both sides of the identity card.

    Please note that the ATCO (Air Traffic Control) licence does not entitle to the operator’s certificate – it is essential that you provide the certificate of achievement of the FPS examination. If you do not have that certificate anymore, you can ask an equivalent document to the FPS. A copy of your PPL, ATPL... does not entitle to the operator’s licence. The ELP is not sufficient either.

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